Friday, March 22, 2013

VCU Campus, 1971.

Great aerial view of the VCU "Academic" Campus (now called the Monore Park Campus) from 1971. At this time, the James Branch Cabell Library was just one story tall. The library is about to get a large addition and an amazing make-over.  Work on what is now Harris Hall is underway in this image (the building was known as the Business Building for decades). The houses on Park Ave. and where the VCU Student Commons is now are still extant in this image.  VCU has certainly demolished A LOT of buildings over the years. 

Click on the image twice to get a larger view.


  1. THis is fascinating! I kept having that moment of like, "what is that? what's there now?" I would love to be able to see more of Broad Street.

  2. Great photo in a key period. I'm really enjoying your site, Ray. Am noticing just how many buildings had to come down to create the student union. Impressive.
