Friday, January 17, 2025

Hook and Ladder Truck Company No. 2, Richmond Fire Department, 1894 - 1805 E Grace St.

"Hook and Ladder Truck Company No. 2, Richmond Fire Department" from The Richmond Virginia Fire Department -  compiled by the Firemen's Relief Association, Richmond, Va, published in 1894. The publication is full of images and information about the history of the fire department and its current status as of 1894.

The building on the right in the 1894 image was their fire station, located at 
1805 E Grace St. That building now is home to the Ironclad Coffee Roasters.

Read more about the Richmond Fire Company of 1894 HERE.

- Ray


Anonymous said...

In 1890 Hook and Ladder Company 2 moved into new quarters located at 1805 E. Grace Street.
In 1952 the company was relocated into the Quarters of Engine Company 2 at 2016 E. Main Street.

In April 1962, the company was relocated to the new quarters of Engine Company 1 at 308 N. 24th and E. Broad Streets, along with Engine Co. 2. There they remain today.

Anonymous said...

thanks for this information!