Former Governor Douglas Wilder recently unleashed “a stream
of tweets,” according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, directed at the current
Mayor and his administration. The
complaint was the lack of maintenance of the Arthur Ashe monument on Monument
Avenue, which was exhibiting some uncut grass around the base. Wilder has reason to be indignant, especially
since he was among those who promoted a statue to Ashe, which after much debate
was finally erected in 1996.
It is a shame the same degree of indignation regarding the
condition of Richmond’s Evergreen Cemetery has not caught Wilder’s attention
and his tweet stream. In those quiet
woods, in graves disappearing below a sea of English ivy and kudzu, are buried many
other real heroes of African American history.
Admittedly, the public monument to Ashe in the middle of
Richmond’s grand boulevard, and the hidden, derelict, and privately owned
cemetery are two very different places. Nevertheless, they are equally worthy of
respect and preservation. The fallen tombstones and thousands of nameless
graves of Evergreen are especially poignant in their expectation of permanence
and the subsequent abandon of their decay.
Historic Marker. |
Evergreen Cemetery was established in 1891. It was one of many new institutions
established by the Reconstruction-era blacks of Richmond to achieve parity with
white society. They demanded new
institutions and businesses that, even in Jim Crow Richmond, stood equally as
grand and substantial. Evergreen Cemetery
was the African American response to the manicured lawns of Hollywood
Cemetery. Like Hollywood’s dramatic
setting on the bank of the James, so Evergreen would have once stood looking
down Fulton Valley. At the top of the
hill an, oversize granite cross marks the plot where Maggie Walker and her
family were buried. Mrs. Walker was a
beacon of self-reliance and financial independence at the crest of that hill as
surely as she had been on the front porch of her Leigh Street home.
overgrown and neglected grave of Maggie Walker. This was once a visual
focal point of Evergreen Cemetery but now is threatened by the surrounding
forest. |
Across from Maggie Walker’s grave is a monument of a figure
clinging to a large cross. This is the
last resting place of Rebecca Mitchell, mother of Richmond’s famous “fighting
editor,” John Mitchell, Jr. When
Mitchell himself died, his biographer noted his grave was marked by a “cheap,
flat stone,” which subsequently disappeared.
The Shockoe Observer was there when volunteers from the Black History
Museum and Cultural Center funded and installed a replacement marker ..
burial place of John Mitchell, Jr. and his family,as it appeared when the new
grave marker was installed in 2012. |
The Mitchell marker and grave site is now overgrown - in only just a few years. |
Now, unfortunately, the cemetery had again been allowed to
go to seed and conditions are worse than ever.
The new Mitchell marker is already subsiding into a green jungle of
undergrowth, while weeds choke the nearby graves of Maggie Walker and her
Evergreen Cemetery’s only mausoleum, the Braxton family
crypt, shows where the door has been breached, coffins pulled out and bodies
removed. Note the upturned human skull in one photo. Since this was
taken, the skull has been stolen.
vandalized mausoleum, which has been allowed to hang open for years, displays
the pulled-out coffins. One open coffin
displayed a skull and leg bones, but now these have been stolen. This grisly scene has to be unheard of in a
modern American city. To respectfully
dispose of the bodies of the dead is among the most basic definitions of human
society, and even the crudest and least civilized peoples manage to protect the
bones of their citizens. But not
A Koren vet's tombstone is almost overgrown. |
around the vandalized mausoleum, all over the hillsides, the elaborate
tombstones with their heartfelt sentiments, the government-issue markers of
veterans and the tiny marble sleeping lambs indicating the grave of a child,
the rich and the poor alike are all submerging into the ivy, to be lost forever.
In some areas of Evergreen Cemetery, families bravely try
to beat back the invincible tide of kudzu which threatens to cover the entire
cemetery in an impenetrable blanket of green. This is an ongoing process
to try and stop the relentless vine from covering their loved ones.
even worse, the “modern” section of Evergreen Cemetery is being allowed to grow
up in the same scrub oaks and vines that cover the older section. This large open area, twice the length of a
football field, has been filled systematically with graves from the far
end. About 90% of these graves are
unmarked. The remaining area where the
most recent burials are taking place in a patchwork of bare red clay, broken
glass, knee-height grass, and blowing bits of plastic flowers and
This view is of the “modern” or money-making section of
Evergreen Cemetery, where Richmonders still buy plots only to see them covered
by weeds, ivy and trees. Notice how much this section has grown up since
these two images were taken, two years apart. Most graves are marked by
temporary funeral home markers, quickly lost in the rank undergrowth.
might be termed the “modern” section of Evergreen looks like a third-world
killing ground, a place made for trenches full of bodies and tires burning in
the road. Nevertheless, money is being
made on both the sale of a plot at Evergreen and a fee for “opening” and
“closing” a grave with a decrepit backhoe.
There is a separate fee if you want to install a marker to preserve the
location of a grave in that sea of scrubby grass and red clay.
Wilder, who grew up in North Church Hill only a mile or so away, probably knows
Evergreen Cemetery very well and may have accompanied some elderly
family members through those gates. No
doubt he knows it is the last resting place of Maggie Walker and John Mitchell,
Jr., both giants in the cause that he benefited from when he became governor
and then mayor of this same city that tolerates the ruin of Evergreen Cemetery.
With the amount of outrage Mr. Wilder showed at the poor maintenance
he observed at the Ashe statue, it’s amazing he can restrain himself from
demanding attention to Evergreen Cemetery.
We call on him to use his influence, his position of leadership, and his
sense of justice, and yes, his tweets, to help preserve historic African
American heritage sites like Evergreen Cemetery.
- Selden.
More recent views of the cemetery: